Got Testing Stress? Having a Crisis of Confidence? We've Got Your Back.
Got Testing Stress? Having a Crisis of Confidence? We've Got Your Back.

When you think of the SAT or the ACT or the AP Exams or the SAT Subject Tests, what's your response? What's your teen's response? Can you feel the weight of all that PRESSURE? What do you think this stress is doing to your student's performance? (Let's not talk about the mood at your dinner table.)
Many students, of all ages, including my own kids, have worked with Lauren, seeing incredible shifts in attitude and performance anxiety. (And, it is applicable to all of the heavy junk your student may be hauling around in their trunk that is keeping them from reaching their full potential.)
"Test anxiety causes poor performance. It relates inversely to students’ self-esteem and directly to their fears of negative evaluation, defensiveness, and other forms of anxiety. Hypnotherapy can help students stop procrastinating and start studying, improve focus, ignore distractions, boost comprehension, and improve memory and recall - reducing anxiety to improve test performance and grade point average (GPA) consistently. The confident student is the calm student." —Lauren
Click here to learn more about helping your student realize their potential. Listen to Lauren on her Live Talk Radio Monday nights from 7-8pm EST. Tune in or listen LIVE online at 107.9 WOLD “TuneIn Radio” app for Apple or Android phones.
Lauren's Contact Info: (p) 973-418-2170 (e)
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