The Number One Thing You Need to Discuss with Your Teen

Hello ,
We've been so busy here readying to launch our new website (woo-hoo!) that I realized that it had been two weeks since we last connected. Today is a quick post about the number one thing to discuss with your teen (regardless of where they are in the process).
There are two lenses through which teens can view admissions.
The first is that an acceptance from FabulousU will:
- validate that I am smart, accomplished, worthy, and this will ensure my highest potential will be reached.
- reassure me that obsessively tracking my GPA on the portal was worth it.
- guarantee that my life will be much, much easier and all I need to do is to keep having the right answers to the questions posed to me.
- swing open doors that I did not even know existed.
The second is that an acceptance from FabulousU will:
- be a wonderful accomplishment and while I am grateful for the opportunity, I know that with or without external validation, I am smart, accomplished, and worthy.
- give me the opportunity to explore my potential.
- provide a forum in which to hone my intellectual curiosity and develop new neurological pathways that will allow me to think critically, communicate effectively, and see new solutions to problems.
- swing open doors that I did not even know existed.
The first is an outside-in approach that has hijacked and devalued the piece of the admission equation that matters most – the unique profile and potential of each individual student.
The second is an inside-out approach that invites teens to dwell in the possibilities that a college education was designed for – that it is a time and place to explore and develop further into an adult with unique skills, talents, and perspectives to offer to the world.
CompassU was launched specifically in service of the second approach. We know that each student is unique, and we work tirelessly to identify and communicate each teen’s gifts and point of view and then help them identify a list of schools that will help them shine.
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