Jessie's Blog

EA Success Stories

We Learned Just How Important Those Essays Are in Admissions

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Jessie is a strong writer, and she and her team's feedback on essays are critical. We have learned more and more with each child that those essays are very important to admissions counselors. She is also quite adept at remembering off the top of her head what each college expects in terms of scores, grades, visits, etc., and is very practical at matching a child's dreams with reality.

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Jessie and Her Team Made the Process Stress-Free

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I used Jessie for both of my children, and they both were accepted to their first-choice colleges before Halloween of their senior year. Jessie made the whole college application process stress-free for me and my children. She provides timelines, guidance, and support through the whole process, making what can be an overwhelming undertaking something that can be navigated with ease. I would recommend Jessie and her team at Elevated Admissions 100% when it comes time for you to begin your college…

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It Was Wonderful to Have Jessie's Knowledge and Support

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We worked with Jessie and her team more than once. She worked with our oldest who went on to Penn State University Park. In what can be a stressful time it is wonderful to have Jessie's knowledge and support. I knew we would be sure to stay on task and not miss deadlines or important requirements. Our daughter was aiming to be admitted into highly competitive Physician Associate accelerated programs and Jessie and her team provided invaluable and timely guidance throughout the process. 

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These Schools said, "Yes!" to Elevated Admissions Students

American University

Boston College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bucknell University

Calvin College

Caldwell University

Cal Tech

Carnegie Mellon University

Catholic University

Clemson University

Calhoun Honors College at Clemson University

Chapman University

Dartmouth University

Elon University

Franklin & Marshall College

Franklin & Pierce College

Gettysburg College

Georgetown University

Gordon College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Immaculata University

Ithaca Col…

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Success Stories — Chester, College of Engineering at Montana State

You had better like mountains and snow at Montana State! You had better like mountains and snow at Montana State!

#trexselfie Mom's hair at least made the pic. #trexselfie Mom's hair at least made the pic.

"Jessie and her team at CompassU have been invaluable in our college selection endeavors. Chester received many generous merit scholarships offers, and we are very excited that our son will attend the College of Engineering at Montana State University.

From the beginning, Jessie, using her depth of knowledge, was very helpful setting up our list of potential schools and the goals we needed to ac…

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Success Stories — Grace and Sofie


Grace, Class of 2015, is an accomplished rider. Grace was also Park Scholar Finalist at Ithaca College, but felt Marist to be a better fit. Grace, Class of 2015, is an accomplished rider. Grace was also Park Scholar Finalist at Ithaca College, but felt Marist to be a better fit. Jessie helped both of our daughters find their unique voice and through the process they became more confident and better writers. This was undeniably valuable for my now freshman at Marist College because she continued to develop this new found skill in her freshman year writing course and used the writing center at her college, just as she had learned …

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Success Stories — Brianna Shares Her Story

We are so proud of Brianna, recipient of a named scholarship to cover her undergraduate and medical school tuitions. We are so proud of Brianna! Brianna received a named scholarship to cover her undergraduate and medical school tuitions, sealing her decision to attend Calvin College.

"I wouldn’t want to imagine my college search process without Jessie. Senior year is a transitioning year, regardless of who you are. Having Jessie walk with me through is a blessing I am so grateful I had the opportunity to experience.

Life counselor. These two words describe Jessie’s role in my life this past year. Jessie helped …

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Success Stories: Cassie — Sacred Heart University

Cassie and I met a few weeks before May 1, the big decision day! She's getting close to a decision and if this selfie is any indication, she is looking forward to it. Cassie and I met to talk about her incredible offers including merit aid for BSN Programs. It is a few weeks before May 1, the big decision day! Cassie will attend Sacred Heart University, plans to compete on SHU's Figure Skating Team and study abroad in Australia her junior year.


"When your child begins the college process, it can be an exciting yet nerve “wrecking ” time of your life. Like all parents, we wanted our daughter to have the best possible outcome with all aspects of the college pr…

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Success Stories: Anna — University of Pittsburgh

Jessie and the future dentist, Anna Lackey, visit Lehigh University. Jessie and the future dentist, Anna Lackey, visit Lehigh University.

“Not only was our daughter overwhelmed by the college application process but so were we! Jessie made us all take nice, long, deep breaths and then in her kind and gentle manner, explained exactly how we were going to get through it together. Jessie’s knowledge, organizational style, time management skills and good-natured humor made the experience not only totally doable, but produced on-time applications that our daughter was…

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EA Success Stories: Justin — Middlebury College

Justin had a long list of schools including UChicago, Brown, Amherst and Tufts. His visit this exceptional school in VT. made him decided to be a Midd. He was accepted Early Decision.

Justin had a long list of schools including UChicago, Brown, Amherst and Tufts. His visit to Middlebury, an exceptional school in VT, clinched his decision to become a "Midd." The college thought so too, and accepted him Early Decision.

“When my oldest son graduated near the top of his class at Blair Academy, with test scores in the 99th percentile, my wife and I felt very comfortable that he would have a number of top colleges from which to choose. As it turns out, we didn’t have a clue how …

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