F A Qs
I bet you have a question or two...
When is the best time in high school to sign up for a package plan, so we don’t feel as if we are playing catch-up?
Generally speaking, the spring of a student’s sophomore year is ideal. Starting early allows us to evaluate and tweak course selection, test prep, and extracurricular choices, and lay out a manageable path. The majority of actual application development occurs the summer prior to and early fall of a student’s senior year. We work with a small number of students each year and tailor a program that works for your student and your family. We do cap the number of students we work with each year, so families often sign up early in high school to reserve a spot.
We won’t qualify for enough need-based financial aid, so how can hiring a consultant a help us?
Financial fit matters enormously. We often work with families to identify schools where their student is more likely to receive merit aid. When appropriate, we will also personally advocate with admissions offices on your behalf.
I thought my teen only had to write one essay. What are supplemental essays?
A lot has changed with the admissions process since we parents applied to college. On average, a student will write two main essays and 8-10 supplemental essays. Students who apply to the most competitive schools write, on average, between 30 and 50 essays. There are also great differences between supplements, and often colleges are looking for very particular types of responses. The skills needed to write and evaluate the main essay vary from the responses needed for the “Why us..?” or “
Can I decide to switch packages during the process?
Yes, of course! (As long we have space — we work with a select number of students each year.)
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We hear YES a lot.
of the amazing students we work with are accepted at their TOP CHOICE COLLEGE
earn acceptances to at least one of their
One-on-One Packages from $799
Why is hiring an educational consultant a wise investment? Aren’t we going to be paying enough already in college tuition?
The expense of hiring a consultant will save you money in the long run in a few ways. First, it will save you time and expense visiting schools that are not the right fit. Second, students with better-prepared applications typically receive better offers — either in merit aid or via acceptance(s) at more selective institutions. More than one in three students will transfer schools according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, so finding the right fit up front saves time and money, and preserves everyone's sanity.
Additionally, you are able to preserve your relationship with your student because we will be the ones delivering the news about the many deadlines and responsibilities they must take on—not you.
What goes into creating a tailored college list?
There are thousands of colleges to choose from and an inordinate amount of data to process. In our brand-driven society, finding the right fit for your student is at best confusing and more often than not, overwhelming. We visit about two dozen schools annually and attend national conferences to stay up-to-date on the ever-shifting landscape of college admissions. Chances of acceptance and successful transition increase greatly when the following fit points are taken into account: academic, social, and financial. More than one in three students will transfer schools according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, so finding the right fit up front saves time and money and preserves your families' sanity.
Why are outside editorial reviews so critical for essay development?
A student’s application is likely being read by at least one admissions officer who has not met your child in person. Tone and authenticity are the two most important components of a winning essay. Through outside reviews and careful editing, we can vastly improve how an essay will be perceived by the admissions decision-maker.
As a parent I am overwhelmed and stressed at the thought of my child applying to college. I don’t know where to begin?
Families today are already busy with work and life. Handling the college application process alone is akin to taking on a “part-time job.” Considering there are dozens of application platforms, variations on demonstrated interest, and choices of application types (Rolling, EA, ED1, ED2, Regular) the process is understandably overwhelming. Jessie breaks the process into manageable pieces for both students and parents can assist in all aspects, designing a timeline that will increase the chances of success for each student. Available 7 days a week via text, Jessie is also there to field questions at the time you need them answered.
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Need merit aid to make college affordable? Offers received net our students, on average, between $10K and $40K annually. That's $40K – $160K in scholarships -- not loans.
Sound good to you?

What if my student is a senior?
We work with senior rush students as space allows. We also offer a streamlined App Review Package. Due to the increased demand during the fall and holiday period, additional fees apply for The Concierge and Comprehensive Packages: Monthly increases start August 1; package plans increase by $250/package/month. Details can be found on the Work with Us page.
Wait, is there really more than one application platform? And what is the difference between early decision and early action?
There is the Common App, the Coalition App, specific institutional Apps, and the Universal App. They each have specific requirements. Depending on which application your student’s target school uses, there are different ways to present him or her in the best possible light.
In addition to the application platforms, the application strategy must take into account the various application types: rolling, early action, early decision 1, early decision 2, single-choice early action, restrictive early action, and regular decision. Evaluating and adjusting to the types and platforms as well as the timing of submissions greatly increases a student's odds of acceptance.
My daughter is a “top student” and has her sights set on a highly selective college. How can hiring a consultant help?
The Elevated Admissions program offers individualized, one-on-one support through the complex admissions process, both to the student and to the family. We work with each student to identify patterns of interests and maximize strengths. You know how great your student is; we work to ensure admissions folks recognize it, too. Our work is to find the “best fit” school where your student will thrive, and then give them their best shot at acceptance. As you can see from the list of schools where our students have been accepted, we’ve done just that at a broad range of colleges.
Why are a consultant’s fees higher than my son’s math tutor?
Just as you are an expert in your profession, Elevated Admissions team members are dedicated professionals in ours. We have industry accreditation, visit a multitude of schools annually, network with admissions officers, attend national conventions and have access to thousands of colleagues through our affiliations who confer to help one another's students. For every hour of 1:1 consult, there are thousands of hours of experience and dedication behind it.