The Test Prep Package
Your student is a confident test-taker but could benefit from learning actionable test-taking strategies as well as individualized coaching on specific sections. You also want to know that your student's test submission strategy is maximizing their admissions chances.
The Test Prep Package includes:
- Four one-on-one sessions (~90 min/each/remote*)
- Self-administered baseline ACT and SAT practice exams
- Scoring and evaluation of exams and recommendations on SAT or ACT focus
- Testing timeline recommendations
- Targeted prep assignments tailored to your student
- Strategic test-submission strategy
* In-person tutoring available within 50 miles of Nutley, NJ. Additional fees apply. $100 travel fee/session. You may choose a combination of remote and in-person sessions.
The data shows that students who submit test scores earn admission at higher rates than those who don't. Additionally, merit aid at many schools is directly tied to test scores.
Your student's test scores are just one component of their application. Their test prep and test-submission strategy need to be considered within the context of their overall application.
This package can also be used to prep for the following standardized exams.
Click here to learn more about our award-winning tutor, Vic Choudhry.